DataTranslator 2.0

DataTranslator 2.0

Developed by Carasys
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Latest version:
2.0 See all

Real update:
The datatranslator cannot only transfer your table fields of a data base format into another, but makes available also a real update function. Thus, you can only adjust the data, which changed after a first transfer of the data at a second run. Concretely: New data records will be insert into the target table, changed data records will be update in the goal table. Without this function a real synchronisation is not possible!
Default allocation of the target fields:
The datatranslator is able to reserve in advance the goal table with default values at the synchronisation. So you can insert default values, which are to be located in the goal table, directly at the synchronisation and you save a further
workstep. This is very important for a fully automatic, time-controlled synchronizing.
Connection of several source fields into a target field:
Already with the definition of the synchronisation project you can bring together several source fields in the target table to one field. Example: In your source table the post code and the place are present in each case in the own field. On the other hand, the target table handle both values in one field.
SQL generator:
Of course, the datatranslator can select also selectively the contents of several
existing tables over the field contents and show them in a target table.
An adjustable time sample ensures for the fact that you transfer
either your data at certain times - e. g. always Saturday 18:00h - or in certain time patterns - e. g. every 30 minutes.
Over defining several projects you are able to carry out a complete synchronisation of your different data bases.



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